Stree 2 Sarkate Ka Aatank continues its incredible run at the Box Office. The film has already crossed Rs 250 crore nett in India in just six days. The film stars Rajkummar Rao, Shraddha Kapoor, Pankaj Tripathi, Aparshakti Khurana, and Abhishek Banerjee. However, many of you are not aware of the actress who played the titular role of Stree in Stree 2. Bhumi Rajgor, a Gujarati actress has replaced Flora Saini as Stree in Stree 2 and took the titular role in the horror comedy sequel. Also, read Stree 2 cast salary.
Who Is Bhumi Rajgor?
Bhumi Rajgor is a Gujarati actress. She is from Ahmedabad and worked in Gujarati cinema. As per IMDb, she worked in Gujarati films Hurry Om Hurry (2023) and Fakt Mahilao Maate (2022). Bhumi Rajgor also worked in Kartik Aaryan, Kiara Advani starrer Satyaprem Ki Katha. In the film, she has played the role of Kiara’s sister. She has replaced Flora Saini as Stree in Stree 2.
In an interview with TOI, Bhumi talked about her journey. She said,
“I am a trained Kathak dancer and I always wanted to become an actress.
“But earlier, my family had concerns about whether the film industry is safe enough for women. My mother had a salon in Ahmedabad, and I trained to become a makeup artist. I lived in Mumbai for a long time and I have worked with several celebrities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to shut down the salon.”
About Stree 2
Movie: Stree 2
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐½
Stree 2 is a perfect blend of humor & horror; packed with brilliant storytelling & terrific performances. 👏#Stree2 #Stree2Review #Stree2SarkateKaAatank #ShraddhaKapoor #RajkummarRao @MaddockFilms @jiostudiosDirector Amar…
— Praneet Samaiya (@praneetsamaiya) August 14, 2024
Praneet Samaiya called the film Phenomenal, and wrote in his review, “Stree 2 is a perfect blend of humor and horror. Director Amar Kaushik has just delivered the biggest movie of his life to date. The best thing is the way the horror universe films linked with this is outstanding. Amar Kaushik is a brilliant director, he knows how to make films that make you laugh and even scare you. The narrative keeps you entertained throughout.” He gave the film a 4.5-star rating.
Stree 2 Sarkate Ka Aatank numbers are outstanding and the film will cross the Rs 300 crore mark in week 1 itself. With no competition this weekend, and the Janmashtami holiday, the chances are high that the film will cross Rs 400 crore. The possibility of Rs 500 crore also cannot be ruled out.
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