Filmmaker Karan Johar’s beloved chat program, Koffee With Karan, in its eighth season, debuted recently. Bollywood superstars, including Ananya Panday and Aditya Roy Kapur, have been spotted on the Koffee Couch lately. Actor Ajay Devgn and director Rohit Shetty, who are now preparing for their new production, Singham Again, are the next guests on the list.
Ajay Devgn’s Hilarious Replies
The entertaining teaser for the show was released ahead of time, and in it, host Karan Johar gently prodded Ajay to disclose the “most common reason” that would be the cause if Kajol stopped speaking to him at some point. You will be in stitches after Ajay’s amusing response.
The latest teaser features Ajay Devgn at his most genuine, and his admirers couldn’t be more appreciative of his humor. Johar asked Ajay what would happen in a hypothetical scenario where Kajol ceased communicating with him.
“What would be the most common reason in the Devgn household if Kajol is not talking to you?” inquired Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, the director. The Singham star responded, “Waiting for that day.” The atmosphere was lightened by Devgn’s humorous reply, and Kjo, Rohit Shetty, and he could be seen giggling uncontrollably.
Who Is Ajay Devgn’s Enemy?
Later in the teaser, superstar Karan Johar responded immediately when asked what adversary he vowed never to speak to. “Once upon a time, it was you.” He’s hilarious, according to his fans. And they are eager to witness this episode, in which he continues to poke fun at the director.
Dynamic Duo of Ajay Devgn and Rohit Shetty will grace the couch in the upcoming episode on Dec 21 ✨#HotstarSpecials #KoffeeWithKaran #KWKS8OnHotstar @AjayDevgn#RohitShetty #KaranJohar @apoorvamehta18#AjayDevgn @DisneyPlusHS
— Praneet Samaiya (@praneetsamaiya) December 18, 2023
Rohit Shetty Appreciates Ranveer Singh
In the show, Rohit Shetty exuded an all-boys aura. He declared Ajay and Salman Khan to be the most unaffected actors by success and failure, revealing that they are the only superstars pictured smiling despite hits and disasters.
Subsequently, Rohit acknowledged Ranveer Singh’s acting prowess and said he is the most energetic performer he has ever worked with. The most recent Koffee With Karan trailer, which stars Ajay Devgn and Rohit Shetty, is successful.
Are you excited for this episode? Make sure to share your opinions with us in the comment section below. We await your response!
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